

What is PBLite?

PBLite is an innovative and micro-invasive treatment for primitive and secondary liver cancer in the form of focal lesions. It is a non-surgical procedure which, by exploiting laser energy, obtains a significant reduction in the volume of the tumour. PBLite is also a safe and effective treatment of those who, due to critical medical conditions, are not able to undergo surgery.

With just one PBLite session, it is possible to treat liver lesions with a very wide size range and diameters of up to 5 cm thanks to the versatility offered by the multi-fibre approach. The localized thermal effect of PBLite makes it a valid and effective treatment option for liver lesions close to structures at risk.


How it works?

PBLite consists of the percutaneous insertion of optical fibres (from 1 to 4 depending on the size of the tumour), and the delivery of laser energy for several minutes, which heats the tissues until they are completely destroyed with a sufficient safety margin. The positioning of the applicators, monitoring of the treatment and verification of the effective coagulation area are all carried out under ultrasound guidance. To facilitate the needle insertion, the system has dedicated ultrasound probes designed for the anatomical area of the liver with Biopsy Software that displays the guidelines on the screen. As these are malignant tumours, the objective of the treatment is a complete ablation of the lesion and subsequent absence of local post-treatment relapses.


  • Complete ablation with a sufficient safety margin
  • “In situ” thermal destruction
  • Preservation of the healthy tissue and the organ function
  • Highly predictable and repeatable coagulation volume as required for the safety margin
  • Localized thermal effect in the target volume only, which makes the treatment possible close to sites at risk
  • Use of fine, non-traumatic needles for liver organ
  • Possibility of treating patients with pace-makers (excellent electromagnetic compatibility)
  • No general anesthesia
  • Short duration of the treatment (few minutes)
  • Rapid recovery
  • No or insignificant post-treatment pain
  • Brief hospitalisation
  • Bridging therapy for organ transplants

Click here to download your PBLite Brochure: PBLite Brochure (English)